Bangladesh Business Summit 2023 Outcome Report

Circular Economy

Catalyzing Green Investments for Sustainability: Emerging Opportunities for Circular Economy

March 13, 2023
10:00 AM

According to a World Bank Group estimate, the total climate-smart investment (green investment) potential in Bangladesh to be approximately $172 billion between 2018 and 2030, mainly in green buildings, transportation infrastructure, urban water, agriculture, waste management, and renewable energy. Bangladesh has considerable potential to develop a domestic green finance/bond market to mobilize private capital for climate-related initiatives.

Session Objectives:
• Deliberate on the potential for climate-friendly and green investments in Bangladesh to achieve sustainable growth.
• Discuss the importance for businesses to manage their environmental impact for increased competitiveness and leveling the playing field between complying and non-complying businesses through access to green finance.
• Highlight the current practices and regulations in Green Finance, both in Bangladesh and abroad, and promulgate the key demand and supply side issues impeding disbursement.
• Highlight global green finance opportunities and how Bangladesh can leverage such options.

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Expected Session Guests and Speakers


Special Guest

Ms. Zuena Aziz

Principal Coordinator

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), GoB


Special Guest

Farhina Ahmed

Secretary, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

The Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh


Session Chair, Moderator

Dr Zaki Uz Zaman

Country Representative

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)


Key Note Speaker

Dr. Muhammad Shujauddin

Associate Professor

North South University


Key Note Speaker

Syed Naved Hussain

CEO and Group Director

Beximco Textile


Guest of Honor

Mr Yousuf Abdullah Harun

Former President, FBCCI

Chairman, Asia Insurance Limited



H.E. Mr. Charles Whiteley

Charles Whiteley, Ambassador & Head of Delegation

European Union in Bangladesh

Shamim Ahmed


Shamim Ahmed


Bangladesh Plastic Goods Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BPGMEA)



Ms Shamima

Corporate Director

Unilever Bangladesh Limited



Ms. Eun Joo Allison Yi

Senior Environmental Specialist

Environment, Natural Resources & Blue Economy Global Practice (ENB)

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Faisal Rabbi

Manager, stakeholder engagement and public affairs

H&M Bangladesh

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